Welcome to my world

Friday, March 10, 2006


Ok today i had day off which was a welcome to catch up on some much needed sleep lol!
Had dentist appt to get a filling done and i hate going, was sitting in waiting room to go in tummy churning. Anyway he jabbed with anesthestic oh how nice i though now i know how Frank Bruno feels felt like a right turd with a face the size of a house lmao, but i was a brave girl and went through it and now have a nice posh white filling ha ha!


  • At 7:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tis a shame that such a gorgeous babe likes you has a penchant for Reeves Peanut Butter cups..that when youi recoieve them you scarf them down like no tomorrow. This is why you had to go to the dentists..I assume that the next place you'kll be going is weigh watchers. ...Ah just kidding folks..she is a beautiful sexy babe that any man would be proud to have on his arm..but please do send her Reeses Peanut Butter Cups..they are her fav!!!

  • At 7:45 PM, Blogger barrack babe said…

    LMFAO - well it would be a shame if i ACTUALY received some bloody reeses peanut, but alas i have to wait as always for the things i want lmao

  • At 7:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Patience is a virtue:)

  • At 7:54 PM, Blogger barrack babe said…

    Not in my fookin world it aint
    hahahahhahahaha!- is a woman after all!

  • At 8:58 PM, Blogger barrack babe said…

    OMFG! - the chek of it but yes tis true always eating me;)


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