Welcome to my world

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Jogging hmmm not something you link with me is it hahaa... well a new year another new fad!!!

The reason i hear you scream ..... Emily is getting a puppy aww a cute huskie caled Vader and wants to go running every morn with him, but before she gets him she wants to get her fitness up! where do i come in well she asked if i wanted to go running with her every morn! i said yes hahaha! i must be mad, up at 6:30am to go running jeez i best get a good bra otherwise ill have 2 black eyes hehehe, i am the resident night owl and mornings are just a feeling a being shot out a canon!!! LOL

i will post if i do manage to keep this one up i hope so be good to get fit and loose a bit of weight:D

Bring on tonned abs and one hell of a tight behind hahaha.
Would be nice to have a bod like Shakira!!! :D


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