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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Zoe's Birthday Feb 07

Friday night into town we go for Zoe's birthday, Zoe, Tracey, Jay, Dirk, Sally, Trevor, Dave, 2 randon ppl and me all met up in Lloyds! wohoo i actually get in this time :), me and Zoe were there first punctual as per had around 3 drinks betime the others arrived, later found out that those buggers were in town earlier and tanked up in Weatherspoons the SWINES!!! LOL!
anyway ended up in Bakers for a few then Chicagoes where we drank more danced round a pole, Jay got booted out for wearing trainers hahahaha silly sausage Jay jeez!!!, got chatted up various random blokes all weirdos LOL! hey ho.

Zoe got wrecked bless her it was her birthday so its the law to get pissed up, and realised she knows half of Basingstoke too!!!Got free cab there and back so all good !!! - had a good night shame T and Jay left early needless to say they were pretty darn drunk and we even got the delight of seeing T nipples LMFAO!!! :o shocking!!!
And DAM!! Jay was wearing his Superman pants hahahahhaha!!!!!

God help Old Basing next Sat Tracey tee hee tee hee ;-)



  • At 11:14 PM, Blogger Kaz said…

    Sounds like a good night, can't wait til we hit the town again :)x

  • At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow sounds like you had a laugh hun, causing havoc yet again in Basingstoke was one haha!
    Pictues look nice too:)


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