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Saturday, December 08, 2007

Xmas do at the Griffin 07

So last night I went to my Christmas party at the Griffin club with Charlotte, Zoe and Jeanette what a laugh!! Met Karen, Alan, Tracy, Yvonne and Becky down there and got absolutley hammered lol!! Started at Zoes with a few glasses of wine then after an arguement with the Taxi firm we finally arrived and Zoe was straight on the dancefloor! you go girl lmao!!! had a few creme egg shots yummy!! Lottie chose to go for a mint one and felt like she had just swallowed a bottle of mouth wash after it!!
Had a good boogie cant remember what to!! enjoyed some of the Champagne that Karen won on the raffle drink always tastes better when its free ;) took loads of pictures which are on my facebook if you wanna have a look!! Think the thing that really finished me off was the Sambuca that Alan brought us, the clever people ie Lottie declined the Sambuca I however did not. Managed to blag a few free Christmas hats and antlers!!
Felt sicky on the way home so made Lottie sing to me all the way home finally get to close to home and i had to leap out the taxi to be sick!! God it felt like the longest journey of my life!! Luckily managed to puke on the pavement not in the taxi!! Then had the embarrassing journey of Lottie walking me home while i was crying past a load of chavs stood on the corner who must of thought we were mad as we both still had our xmas hats on lol!! got home and Lottie was the original Night Nurse and looked after me!! I then woke up at 5.30 this morning to find Lottie in bed next to me still wearing her xmas hat!! How i laughed lol!! She has now nicknamed me Sicky McQuicky lmao!!!
I have been suffering all day and even fell asleep in the chair at my mums house like an old woman with a blanket over my legs, am now going to take up knitting and get a blue rinse so I look the part ;) ha ha!!!


  • At 10:18 PM, Blogger Kaz said…

    lol!what a night hahaha!if it makes you feel any happyier i too was sick when i left the taxi and ended up falling asleep with my head down the toilet in just my black trousers lol!x


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