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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Nevermind where's Wally- where's Dawn!

A nihgt out with the girls. had a lovely day went shopping in Reading with Charlotte! then come home watched a movie had a kip lmao then got up and got ready for our night out! met the rest of the lovely ladeeez at Bakers then went on our tour of town lol, had a really great night with the girls, Dawn is so funny and hell she really needs to practise her F off face hahahaaha ;-). Have some wicked pics only posted a few on here..... as usuall peeked early teeheee damn the cocktails shots!! but i loves em i does:D
Love the way Dawnie the prwanie got in every single photo LMAO!!! as the title says nevermind where's Wally........
been another hectic weekend including managing getting lost on the way to Guilford grrr hate maps im sooooooooo crap at directions haha!!! got there in the end though:D wicked night Sat night. x
Kaz, ur halloween party still happening? i do hope so cant wait to see this fogg machine set up in ya garden hahaha awesom!!! still awaiting my outfit to arrive ?


  • At 9:02 PM, Blogger Kaz said…

    had a great nite!lol.yep the party is still on,ordered my costume today,yay!!!x


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