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Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Jelly Bean Story

The jelly bean story is probably only funny to the three that were there Kerrie,Emily and Moi:D
We went on a nightout around 7 years ago, to The Great Western Pub and got so trollied as our mate Melody worked there and kept given us triple shots of Perno!!! LOL ive never been so shit faced in all the living days, i had some jelly beans in my bag (no idea why), and shared them out as you do on our way to the pub, got to the pub and got wasted and Emily went to the loo, but when she came out somehow had managed to drop a jellybean and it had landed in her belly button LMAO! so she picked it out as we were crying with laughter we were pissed:P i still remeber when it was time to leave and the taxi man was beepin his horn all three of us were crawlinf along the bar as we couldnt walk straight hahahah.
Anyway we all have taken turns every birthday to pass this 1 black jellybean around to each other and is still going around now!, i have it at the mo and its Kez's turn next heheheh
Needless to say the bean isnt black any longer after all this time hahahhahaha
funny as...


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