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Sunday, July 02, 2006


Well i thought id post a few bits and bobs about this subject as i am interested in it and always have been, love everything to do with astrology, angels, clairvoyancy all things weird and wonderful LOL

Aquarius is the unpredictable force of nature who wakens us to new possibilities. She is the brief inspiration of lightning, who surprises even herself with her sudden insights. The only sure thing about Aquarius is her independence and unpredictability. She is drawn to novelty like a magnet, and loves reaching out to touch every person or thing that fascinates with its newness. She is famous for her spontaneity.
Aquarius sees everyone as her friend, and views each with complete impartiality and equality. This is because she sees the intrinsic value in everything, and appreciates all aspects of man and nature. To the Aquarius, all serves earth and mankind, and all is worthy of respect and reverence. Those closest to her may find it hard to feel they are special in her heart. Rest assured - romance may be cool, but devotion to those who truly matter is not.
The Aquarius is often seen as a kind of mad scientist - aloof, scatter-brained and non-conformist. She is merely preoccupied. There is always some new thought, discovery, idea, plan or person to pursue, study, assess and put to good use in the world. The Aquarius is in tune with electricity, communication, invention, mechanics, friends, social groups, humanitarianism and politics.
The Aquarius loves humanity above all. Her devotion to friends can be greater than her own sense of self preservation, and she rarely hesitates in risky situations. If the Aquarius lives on the edge, it is because of a deep inner knowledge that her life is but a speck in the face of so much that is amazing and wonderful.

Brandy, Jennifer Aniston, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Oprah Winfrey, Carmen Miranda, Angela Davis, Mia Farrow, Eartha Kit, Ida Lupino, Gertrude Stein, Natalie Cole, Kim Novak, Nastassja Kinski, Princess Caroline, Geena Davis, Jayne Seymour, Judy Blume, Alice Walker


MOON in AQUARIUS (also Moon in eleventh house)
This position for the Moon lends a coolness and rationality to emotional reactions. The woman with Moon in Aquarius may feel distant from her mother and other family members. Her relationships with friends can sometimes take precedence over family responsibilities. She is nurtured and supported by those who treat her as an equal and appreciate her for her friendship and her inventive ideas. She needs independence and the freedom to engage in spontaneous and even rebellious activities. She is attracted to people who are very different or unusual in some way - not the boy next door. Moon in Aquarius believes in brother and sisterhood, and feels nurtured by community and friends.
AQUARIUS RISING (also Uranus rising)
The woman with Aquarius Rising has a very idealistic view of the world. Upon first meeting she may seem cool and detached, but that is only her way of approaching the world. She sees the world as a place of freedom and equality, and so regards everyone with complete impartiality. She is very disappointed when reality does not match her vision. All men and women are potentially her friends. Aquarius rising is naturally rebellious and is attracted to the new and unusual. She may dress in a haphazard or unconventional manner.
Aquarius Rising is here to share her vision of a better world.


Scorpio's are the most highly sexed of all the signs of the zodiac. Dynamic, passionate & aggressive, a Scorpio's first date with someone normally ends in rape. The back seat is where he/she makes his/her moves. The trunk is where he/she keeps your EX...and his/her "toys". Because of their obnoxious behavior, Scorpio's are often challenged to duels. Their choice of weapons is usually a tactical nuclear device at 30 paces.Scorpio's are prone to excesses: booze, drugs, sex, bad puns, etc. They usually exploit the weaknesses of others, who fall victim to their capacity for total lust & sexual abberation. In youth, Scorpio's hide in locker rooms of the opposite sex, waiting for just one person to remain. In adulthood, they hide in dark alleys. And in old age, they hang around playgrounds with bags of candy.Charles Manson is a Scorpio. Other famous Scorpio's include Richard Burton, Dick Cavett, Will Rogers, Son of Sam, the Hillside Strangler, the Boston Strangler, the Heimlich Manuever Strangler, Teddy Roosevelt, Billy Graham, Katherine Hepburn, & about 1/12th of the rest of the human race.Scorpio's posess great intellectual curiosity & creative talent. They think they are rebels & are arrogant, proud, conceited, and worth every penny of it. Despite all these shortcomings, they make loyal & devoted marriage partners, at least for the first 5 minutes. After that, it just depends on what catches their eye. Scorpio's always want what they can't have, and generally manage to get it...sometimes legally.Scorpio's are held in awe by their enemies & are admired passionately by their friends...both of them. And Scorpio's return that loyalty...until someone says "Good Morning" to them in a funny tone of voice. Scorpio's fear nothing. Most Scorpio's are murdered in their beds.


Libra is the only inanimate sign of the zodiac, all the others representing either humans or animals. Many modern astrologers regard it as the most desirable of zodiacal types because it represents the zenith of the year, the high point of the seasons, when the harvest of all the hard work of the spring is reaped. There is a mellowness and sense of relaxation in the air as mankind enjoys the last of the summer sun and the fruits of his toil. Librans too are among the most civilized of the twelve zodiacal characters and are often good looking. They have elegance, charm and good taste, are naturally kind, very gentle, and lovers of beauty, harmony (both in music and social living) and the pleasures that these bring.
They have good critical faculty and are able to stand back and look impartially at matters which call for an impartial judgment to be made on them. But they do not tolerate argument from anyone who challenges their opinions, for once they have reached a conclusion, its truth seems to them self-evident; and among their faults is an impatience of criticism and a greed for approval. But their characters are on the whole balanced, diplomatic and even tempered.
Librans are sensitive to the needs of others and have the gift, sometimes to an almost psychic extent, of understanding the emotional needs of their companions and meeting them with their own innate optimism - they are the kind of people of whom it is said, "They always make you feel better for having been with them." They are very social human beings. They loathe cruelty, viciousness and vulgarity and detest conflict between people, so they do their best to cooperate and compromise with everyone around them, and their ideal for their own circle and for society as a whole is unity.
Their cast of mind is artistic rather than intellectual, though they are usually too moderate and well balanced to be avant garde in any artistic endeavor. They have good perception and observation and their critical ability, with which they are able to view their own efforts as well as those of others, gives their work integrity.
In their personal relationships they show understanding of the other person's point of view, trying to resolve any differences by compromise, and are often willing to allow claims against themselves to be settled to their own disadvantage rather than spoil a relationship. They like the opposite sex to the extent of promiscuity sometimes, and may indulge in romanticism bordering on sentimentality.
Their marriages, however, stand a good chance of success because they are frequently the union of "true minds". The Libran's continuing kindness toward his or her partner mollifies any hurt the latter may feel if the two have had a tiff. Nor can the Libran's spouse often complain that he or she is not understood, for the Libran is usually the most empathetic of all the zodiacal types and the most ready to tolerate the beloved's failings.
The negative Libran character may show frivolity, flirtatiousness and shallowness. It can be changeable and indecisive, impatient of routine, colorlessly conventional and timid, easygoing to the point of inertia, seldom angry when circumstances demand a show of annoyance at least; and yet Librans can shock everyone around them with sudden storms of rage. Their love of pleasure may lead them into extravagance; Libran men can degenerate into reckless gamblers, and Libran women extravagant, jealous and careless about money sometimes squander their wealth and talents in their overenthusiasm for causes which they espouse. Both sexes can become great gossipers. A characteristic of the type is an insatiable curiosity that tempts them to enquire into every social scandal in their circle.
In their work the description "lazy Libra" which is sometimes given is actually more alliterative than true. Librans can be surprisingly energetic, though it is true that they dislike coarse, dirty work. Although some are modestly content, others are extremely ambitious. With their dislike of extremes they make good diplomats but perhaps poor party politicians, for they are moderate in their opinions and able to see other points of view. They can succeed as administrators, lawyers (they have a strong sense of justice, which cynics might say could handicap them in a legal career), antique dealers, civil servants and bankers, for they are trustworthy in handling other people's money. Some Librans are gifted in fashion designing or in devising new cosmetics; others may find success as artists, composers, critics, writers, interior decorators, welfare workers or valuers, and they have an ability in the management of all sorts of public entertainment. Some work philanthropically for humanity with great self-disciple and significant results. Libran financiers sometimes make good speculators, for they have the optimism and ability to recover from financial crashes.Possible Health Concerns...
Libra governs the lumbar region, lower back and kidneys. Its subjects must beware of weaknesses in the back, and lumbago, and they are susceptible to troubles in the kidneys and bladder, especially gravel and stone. They need to avoid overindulgence in food and especially drink, for the latter can particularly harm the kidneys.
The finer things in life
Being a slave to fashion

As with all sun signs, we all have unique traits to our personalities. When these traits are suppressed, or unrealized, problems will arise. However, with astrology we can examine the problem and assess the proper solution based on the sun sign characteristics. As a Libran you may see things below that really strike home. Try the solution, you most likely will be amazed at the results. If you find yourself on the receiving end of the negatives below, it is because you are failing to express the positive.
Problem: Finding yourself frequently trapped in situations that have no depth and little value to you or the other person.Solution: Try not to pretend feelings you do not have and find a way to back gracefully out of a superficial relationship; look before you leap.
Problem: You find that you do not really like yourself and/or beating yourself up over not being able to please another.Solution: If you learn how to please yourself without depriving others, then you will be able to please someone else.
Problem: The situations that make you ill at ease is only mildly irritating to another. Solution: Try to cultivate inner security through spiritual strength and awareness.
Problem: Feeling like you are nothing: your actions being frustrating to others.Solution: Developing your feelings of self worth by expressing the positive in your nature and not letting your elitist, class consciousness show.
Your ruling planet is VENUS.

The sign Leo is governed by the royal planet Sun, which is the king of the planetary system. People born with Leo ascendant have well-developed bones with broad forehead. They generally have well-built and muscular stature. Their appearance is dignified, imposing and commanding, as the lord of their ascendant is supposed to be a lion. People born with Leo ascendant are generally noble, big hearted, magnanimous and generous by nature. In addition to this they love to exercise authority and have great faith in friends and relatives. The sign Leo blesses the natives with authority, ambitions and brilliance. Most of them are obstinate and firm in their thinking and attitudes. However, when they get angry, they roar like lions but their anger is short lived. They have splendid constitution and recover early from illness.
Profession: They prefer to become the head of the organizations with which they are connected. If they are in government or any commercial organization, they attain high positions there. They do not talk much. They are fair in their views and expect fair treatment from others. Planetary Influences:They have 6 benefic planets as Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Saturn and the malefic Moon.
Sun blesses the native with good status and recognition, good health, vitality and longevity, interest in administration and politics. However, if it is weak in strength/afflicted by malefic planets, due to any reason in that case the person may experience loss of respect or social status, problem to or from father/husband, short or medium life span. In addition to this the weak strength of Sun causes addiction, cardiac problem, erratic circulation of blood, weak eyesight, weak digestion, weak resistance power.Moon is a malefic planet in the Leo ascendant. When it is strong and well placed and not afflicting any area of the nativity provides relations with foreign land, good health, sound sleep, longevity and analysing power. However, its weak strength/afflicted by malefic planets causes short or medium life span, bad health, hospitalisation, lack of analysing power, problem to mother, losses, loss of bed comforts, addiction, imprisonment. Medically they can have excess of phlegm and congestion, respiratory problems, disturbed sleep and gynecological problems in women.Mars is an extra ordinarily beneficial planet in the birth chart of Leos. Its good placement and strong strength provides affluent father, vigor and vitality, easy settlement of fortune, interest in religion and joining armed forces, patient nature. However, if it is weak by placement and strength/afflicted by malefic planets, in the nativity it gives short temperament, problem to father and younger brother, unsettled fortune. Medically they can suffer from blood infections, problems in pelvic area, immune deficiency, muscular problems, problem in thighs, high BP. Mercury is another benefic planet in the birth chart of Leos. Its good placement and strength is favorable for acquiring satisfactory social status, enjoying happy family life and accumulating wealth. In addition to this its strong strength blesses with excellent assessment, analytical and decisive powers. However, its weakness/affliction by malefic planets causes weak analytical and decisive powers, nervousness and confusions, difficulties in acquiring or attaining social status and accumulating wealth. In addition to this the weak strength of Mercury causes difficulties in enjoying family life, problem from children, loss of reputation etc. In addition to this they might suffer from intestinal problems, respiratory, cervical pain, neurological disorders, Parkinson disease, skin disease, stammered speech, problem in right eye.Jupiter when strong in the chart of Leos blesses them with interest in studies, reading and religion, good conduct and morality, easy settlement of children and gains through speculation. However, its weak strength/afflicted by malefic planets causes losses through speculation, emotional setbacks, infertility and problem to father or children. Medically they can suffer from poor liver functioning, jaundice and dark circles under eyes. Venus, another benefic planet blesses the native with global awareness, communicative abilities, knowledge of foreign languages, interest in learning, media, art and sculpture, support from younger brother and wife. However, the weak strength/afflicted by malefic planets of Venus might cause lack or loss of efforts, problem from younger brother/wife, delay in marriage and progeny matters, lack of awareness, skin disease, eye diseases, renal problems, infertility and ovarian problems in women . Saturn is favourable for pursuing career in technical fields, support from spouse, relation with foreign land, long lifespan etc. When it is weak by placement and strength/afflicted by malefic planets in the nativity, it might cause problem to or from spouse, delay in marriage, uncomfortable travel, lack of technical knowledge, short or medium life span, inharmonious relations with spouse or partner, and losses through servants etc. Medically they can have joint pains, orthopaedic problems.


Taurus THE BULL is the sign of the builder, and the earth we stand onTaureans are extremely faithful, with a strong need for security and a settled routine. Although they are very earthy, they can also be highly romantic and sensitive when it comes to love.
The bright sideTaurus has a patient, grounded and reliable personality. People know where they are with a Taurean, unless they go too far! The Taurean is also warm and sensual, with an appreciation of the fine things in life. Taurus is motivated by a need for security, this sign is good for business matters and can be trusted to carry things through with absolute care. As an earth sign Taurus values the environment and will do everything possible to preserve it, even if that only extends to their immediate surroundings.
Practical, reliable, patient, persistent, solid, determined, industrious, strong willed, sensuous, affectionate, warm hearted, trustworthy.
The dark sideUnfortunately the Taurean personality can be so committed to self preservation and so cautious in their approach to matters that they can become tedious and boring! Many people seem prepared to brave this tedious behaviour for an evening of fine food and wine that will always appear at Taurean dinner parties. Taureans at their best are typically strong and silent, but often appear ignorant and wilfully obstinate to others.
Lazy, possessive, self-indulgent, dull, inflexible, unoriginal, unimaginative, greedy, stubborn, resentful, hidebound by routine.
AilmentsEarache, goitres, gout, laryngitis, obesity, tonsillitis, swollen neck glands, throat inflammations, constipation.
Beneficial foodsBeans and celery.
You are most compatible withLeo - extremely loving.Taurus - well suited.Capricorn - terrific.Pisces - charming.
Absolutely no chance!Gemini - not a success.Sagittarius - very rocky.Aquarius - too stubborn.
Your opposite signis Scorpio


  • At 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    sniff sniff im a taurus wheres mine :(

  • At 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    i love all that stuff

  • At 5:10 PM, Blogger barrack babe said…

    Oh sorry dear Taurus will add u on here


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