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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Night in at our's

Sat night was a night in at ours wohooo Karen came over and we soon cracked open wine and strawberrys and cream Corkys SMASHING, was a superb night we had such a riot! all i can say is dress up, washing line alcahol hahaha!
Thanx girlies for another cracking evening we always have such fun we we are together :-)
Thanx to Kaz for the pics ermmm thanx to Lottie for my embarassing photoshop moment hahahahah great editor in the making you are teehee, enjoyed dancing round the poles and hiding behind the trees LMAO!!!!
Woke up this morn and bless Charlie had tidyed the flat up!
Been also rat sitting they're soooooo cute!!!! Corey and Grohl :-)
Karens version of evens below teeheee:
OMG had such a wicked night in with the girls last night at Sonia and Charlotte's flat! We had soooo much fun, to sum it up there was pizza, alcohol, make-up, hair extensions, moth attacks, pole dancing, distorted pics, knicker editing,pretend kissing and ann summers dressing up!my god we have so much fun.Thanks again my beautiful buddies for yet again an amazing night! love you both so much!x


  • At 10:20 PM, Blogger Kaz said…

    lmfao, i had such a brilliant time round yours i think im just gonna have to move in with you two!

  • At 10:22 PM, Blogger barrack babe said…

    wicked imagine the fun we would have hahaha christ we wud all be in rehab by xmas lol
    Loves ya come over soon with kiddies i want to see them:-)


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