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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Halloween Party 07

Thank you to Karen and Alan for such a wicked halloween party!!! - it was fab getting all dressed up lol, would of preferred to have my witch costume (dam pc) grrr lol. Was a really fab night and Kaz & Al worked hard with the decorations for the party loved the smoke machine haha!!! - was nice to see Sarah too and see her gert sozzled tee heee, and lets not forget Dawn smacking into the patio doors hahaha ah bless her it was hilarious to watch hehehehehehe makes me chuckle!
Posted some pictures here but aloas mainly put them on facebook mwahhhAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! :-)


  • At 12:52 AM, Blogger Kaz said…

    lol i had such a great time,thanks for coming it was brillant,defo have to do it again next year!love yaXXXXXX


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