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Thursday, March 30, 2006

My eventfull day at work

Well today i got stuck in a cupboard, yes you read that correct LOL!
Was off getting some medical records, and had to get them from a cupboard along a quiet corridor may i add!!, anyway i wedge the dpor with a chair as its a keypad door but not latch on it to lock it open the chair slid away and i tried the door and it was locked LMFAO!
Needless to say i could feel my self gettin red and panicking how i was going to get out, so i started shouting for help and banging on the door (felt like a right twat), someone heard me and let me out thank god!, would of been stuffed it was a fri afternoon and ppl had gon home!!!

Oh and i found out today i may loose my job which is pretty shit!


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