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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

To start is to end

Kinda feel bit muh today? not sleeping well and feel crappy today
Day at work was ok
Gets a phone call that just upsets me, these are the times i wish i was a stronger person and did and do the things i want to instead of being weak and being trodden on!
I have no idea why these things have happend in my life at the mo, you would think it would make me a stronger a person yet i still feel weak?
Im waiting for the happy ending......................


  • At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    the happy ending is out there honey.

    or at thte very least a silver lining, to be honest i kinda feel the same way at the moment, just feel like i am treading water to try to keep my head above everything.

    you are a strong person i mean the things you have put up with and you are still out there battling, i look at life these days like a fight, every day you wake up and if at the end of the day you are still there, then you have won the battle. and every day is a new game


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