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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Psychic Reading 22 June 2006- with Tina

Ok, went to see Tina tonight, its been around 6-7 months since i last had a reading.

She asked if i was had any children i said no, asked if i was single i said yes.

She then asked if have a man at work who is 35 that is flirting with me, which i dont that i know of?, She said that to her he feels close so much so she though i knew him, but said i will meet him in Sept, and he is a leo, and has a child of 11, i am apprently going to be with this man and he will treat me like a princess as she felt that i deserved to be treated like one and its time someone looked after me as she thinks im always looking after people, she said we will buy a modest house in January February time and in 2 years time i will look back on how my life has changed for the better i will be a wife and a mother of two children aprently with very white blond curly hair and there wil be 11 months between them (god help me lol). This man travels alot with his job?(if i meet him at work this doesnt make sense as no-one does if they work at hospital?)
But she said he is the man i will be with and he is good for me and will give me everything i want and deserve, and we wil travell to OZ as he has ties there?
She also said that my past partner wasnt good enough for me and was holding me back and that she feels there is a very strong bond of closeness but i out grew him lmao!- and from this day literally this day today my life is going to change and move forwards huge changes are ahead in every single way in my life, and that she feels the people on the otherside want me to know that i need to beleive Tina and trust that this will all happen, so much so that Tina said she bets her life that this man will come into my life in Sept and she wants me to bring him to my next reading (so who knows). She never mentioned what has happened to me in the last 6 months which i was very supprised at?, told me have i been thinking bout gettin rid of my car (have been toying with that idea), she said the spirits in the next 7 weeks will make me get rid of it as theres something wrong with it to do with the axels?. My job will change hugely by the end of the year more along the lines of animals or children but im not sure as i love admin office work alot.
She also said in the next 3 days i will feel light headed and really happy, and this is the spirits giving me a taste of what im going to feel like? all positive things are going to happen? and that it will be shock after shock as im not expecting any of this to happen!
She said im a good person and have alot to give (shucks).

Also got right bout my stomach pains and she said i may have wheat allergy (so Ems ur not killing me slowly after all lmao).

Anyway cant think of anymore at mo so watch this space really cant see this happening at the mo be interesting to see if it does?

Peace out



  • At 9:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Save your money..pull out the only sure thing in this world: the holy bible and ask your Lord what is HIS plan for your life. He will reveal it to you and he LONGS to hear from you. Read John 3:16. He died for YOU! He wants to give you piece. No medium, human, whatever can give what the Lord Jesus Christ gives.

  • At 9:56 PM, Blogger barrack babe said…

    Hmmmm, ok not quite sure of that last posting but hey ho!?

  • At 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    lokk whoever you are

    some people need more than blind faith to keep them going and some people want a headsup , and if i had gone through what my best friend sonia had gone though in the last yea i would like a heads up as well, so spout off all you like but let other peolpe belive in what they want as well ok???


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