Welcome to my world

Sunday, June 18, 2006

18TH JUNE 2006

Off to have lunch with my dad for fathers day, and also off with Kelly and Maddie to Niks for a BBQ, will post back later!

Ok, Kels picked me up and Jake drove to Portsmouth got a little lost due to Niks crap directions, so Darren met us and we found ok was a nice day jibed at Nik about not wanting food posioning lmfao! - all was good at was nice to catch up with ppl!

Today has a real meaning for me and i wish i had the courage to type about it
but i find it to hard, but this time last year i was so happy, i feel quite down and
fed up these last few days, i wonder where my life is going............


  • At 8:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey hunny

    im here if u need me and just think hopefully this time next yr u will look back on now and realise that u r so much happier and far better off, may take a while to see but true happiness is always 1 step away and every stranger is a friend/lover/shag partner just witing to be met!!

    love you lots


  • At 10:08 PM, Blogger barrack babe said…

    Thanks hun ur a good mate
    lov u lots too

    thanks for being there for me especially as this last year has been hell emotionally for me, none of which i think i deserve!:)

  • At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    we are all here for you honey

    i can only imagine ehat you have gone through in this last year sweetie

    me and diay and kerrie will always be there for you.

    anythign we can do, anything, anytime just call.

    rememebr a stranger isjust a friend you havent met

    luv n hugs



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