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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Babysitting Maddie

OK, so you all know im a proud god-mother to Madelyn, so when Kelly asked me to babysit i jumped at the chance, i thought yeah why not im not busy and i get to spend some quality time with Maddie:D, and gives Kelly & Jake a night off to go see a movie!. So i turn up and all is good, Kels leaves and Maddie is fine with me and we play and i read her a story, i give her a last night time bottle of milk and she snuggles all into me and falls asleep. Arrrrrrr i thought how is easy is this now she is asleep i can watch a movie and chill with Kerrie. Kez turns up and we catch up and chin wag and she brought cake round for me lol! yummy:D.........

And then............................... HELL breaks loose lol! well, maybe that was abit to dramatic there Maddie starts to cry so i go up and give her her dummy and to settle her, uh oh this doesnt work she crys when i walk out the room i mean hey her eyes were closed she looked asleep i creeped out like a creepy jesus but NO this wasnt working so i picked her up but she doesnt settle by this time Kerrie comes up to help so we turn into this double act of trying to settle her LMAO! nothing works :o

Also to boot the weather outside was pretty ruff thunder and lightening!!! - so the 2 dogs were getting scared!, my hands are full, Kerrie has to leave as it was getting late, so i sat down with Maddie and she was ok quiet but awake but least she was ok, then thunder struck and the dog gets scared jumps up on the sofa lands half of me which made Maddie jump and she started to cry all over again at which point Kelly comes in lol!, looking bit bilwildered at Maddie still being up haahahha!
But all was ok Maddie just wanted the comfort of her mum and dad was all :)

I did enjoy babysiting it was hard but worth it...i think ive done my god mother duties surely for the next 10 years untill she can walk talk and put her self to bed hahahahahhahahaha!

Lov ya Maddie;-)



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