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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Dog Racing for Kerrie's Birthday - i found my vocation!

It was Kerrie's birthday on Tues unbeknown to her that Andy had organised a night out for her and us lot to go Dog Raceing!!! awesom idea and not something i have ever done before so was really looking forward to Sat night and getting everyone together is always nice. Bummed a lift with Kelly and Jake (and Emily being pissed also notes tonight i always go and leave with different ppl - should i be concerened) :P, anyway we all arrived and met at the bar had a few drinks and our free food in a basket which was ok actually, and they we get cracking and start putting bets on, it was only £1 a bet, and Kelly and me win on our first go LOL! - excellant i thought im likeing this lark, whilst sitting watching the dogs looking at the amount of chavs that were there:o. I was picking the dog i liked the name of haha and the ones i thought looked the cutest:), the blokes were looking at which dog had had the biggest poo! LMAO!

Well it was halfway through the night and i had won 3 times by then i was buzzing was really enjoying the whole thing and so was everyone else it was such a blast!, Kerrie was having fun apart from she hadnt won yet and was bit dissapointed, but the next race had a dog called Patsdog (Pat being her mum, dog being Dolby), now by this point Kerrie is fed up with loosing and tells Andy im not betting on a dog with an orange tag as we always loose, but this dog had an orange tag hahahahaha! - so they place a bet and i think it was number 1, and......yep it won!!! we were all shouting although i think Kerrie and Andy have the higher decibles in them LOL!
Ppl were turning round and looking at us all as we were so loud hahaha!!!

I think the funniest moment was when Kerrie chucked a ticket away and it was for the next race lmao! so she had to go looking for a scrunch up betting ticket she had lobed coz she wasnt winning hahaha! - she found it though she had it in her pocket all the time LOL! alcahol was involved here:P

So i have found my new vocation i think i should give up my day job and become a gambler hehhehhheheheh then end up skint and have to do a Bonnie and Clyde ;-)


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