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Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Griffin Club Party 2006

Well its that time of year again that all the people who work up the hospital look forward to:)
Carol's Xmas Party at the Griffin Club!!!. Yvonne, Rebekah, Jess and Tracey went with me this year, i turned up over Yvonns house to sounds of Wizzards xmas tune LOL! well she is going out with 1 of the band members;) anyway had a drink while waiting for the taxi to arrive it was bloody half hour late grrr hate taxi companies!, arrived at party welcomed by Carol who looked great as always, so it was straight to the bar £2 a drink oh yes!!!! - i drank tons and got plastered LOL! (not like me i know) :D, Tracey who as far as i knew is quite a shy person and very sweet but my god get a bit of booze that girl turns crazyyyyy hahahha had me dancing round an imaginary pole lmao!!! and we managed to blag drinks of various people too hehehe!, also danced with loads of different men on the dancefloor none of them i reconise from work maybe thats a good thing as i wont have to face them on Monday ;), but i do recall sitting on someones lap dressed in a santa hat and i was telling them what a good girl i had been all year and could i have a big present this year LOL! :0

Yvonn was hilarious as always the 1st on the dance floor, she was drunk before 9 o clock haha, we couldnt get a taxi home so me being in a drunken state thought i had a great plan and i would call my dad and he could pick us up, so i call him and he picks us up but we waited on the main road and missed him coming in to the club, i later find out that my dad had acually gone into the club, and some young girl asked him for a dance PMSL!!!! my dad pulled ahhahahaha bless him, so we finally meet up with my dad and some how Yvonne had flown over this barrier and gone ass over tit hahaha i couldnt stop laughing, Beky was shouting saying ''oh mum your so embarrasing'' haha my dads like oh dear are you ok have you hurt yourself!!! god we were a right lot my poor dad having to put up with us!!!.

Anyway managed to get myself home and crashed out on top of my bed fully clothed and still with my fav gold heels on ;) haha im such a woman huh!!!!

Ive blagged a free ticket to the next work party at Camrose next Sat BRING IT ON I SAY :D


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