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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Rock Night 2

So it was our second Rock Night, i prepared for this by lisening to Justin Timberlake all bloody day LMFAO!!!
My dilema of what to wear LOL! do i go rocky or trendy hahah, choose to go with the whole rock chick look, so i wore my black dress and new boots:D, think i looked ok they let me in anyway LOL!. I met up with Andy, Kerrie and Scott at their house for a glass of wine and help Kez get ready we jumped into a taxi, Kerrie did the ''im brave im not taking a coat look'', bless her swear she was a block of ice betime we got there, got to the Royal Oak Pub, it was a bit dead in there at first. But we were all on a mission to get completley wasted haha, and we did i recall us all drinking shots of, Tequila rose, Sambuca and Bookah!!!, and Vodka inbetween man i was wrecked, it was a good night and good to see everyone again. Kelly met us there bit later on in the night, bless her she was driving and had to put up with us all being drunk!!!.
So this time she wouldnt be sat inbetween Andys legs but alas have no fear there is a car story yet again ahha!
Kelly's Fiesta features again in this one LOL!, she was dropping us all off at Andy and Kerries house, so we all bundle in her car, but she forgot to take Maddies car seat out so who has to sit in it yep MOI!!! i sat in this baby seat all the way to Brighton Hill hahaha i was cracking up my head was crushed up against the roof of the car! Kerrie couldnt stop laughing whilst loosing her chips, i was quite amused id actually fitted my ass in the baby chair at all:D cant be a bad thing:)
Dont really remember much else apart from, tripping up in Andy's living room and nearly knocking my self out on there cabinet hahahaha and i think whilst i tripped i flashed my ass how embarrasing LOL!
Kelly drove me home god knows what i was chatting to her think i was chewing her ears off !!!
ahh it was funny we need to all get together more often because we all have such a laugh and where would we be if we didnt have the 2 party animals Andy & Kerrie, those two have had some awesom partys and are the life and soul of any occasion love you both so much you are such FUN!!!:)



  • At 6:18 PM, Blogger Kaz said…

    LOL sounds like a wicked night chick!Those child seats aren't comfortable!LOL xx


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