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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Fri Night Fun

Fri night and i had no plans:( had some wine and was planning on being a loner! but then the wonders of technology kicked in (no not my vibe jeez), my F buddy calls me;) lmfao and i havnt seen him for a few weeks as he been away, so needless to say we had alot of catching up do hahaha - had a fab night in the end no need to go into details, we drank watched few movies had a muck around anyway he managed to take this pic of me after i just woken up after too much wine teehee, my eyes look like saucers lmfao!!!!
Over Zoe's tonight for some more wine lol see a theme do ya .....

Still looking for a place to live aint found the right one as of yet, fingers crossed we will soon and i can then have my huge MF party that i have planned in my head hahaha cant wait to get all my friends over :D love em all!!!

PS Kaz - dam woman cant wait for your BBQ either surfs up dudes!!! ;)


  • At 10:31 PM, Blogger Kaz said…

    gorgeous pic hun!if i was a man..hahaha!Gonna be a great BBQ heehee ;-)x kaz x


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