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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Rock Night/Town piss-up

OMG what a cracking night!!!!
To be fair i sooooo was not in the mood to go out felt really fed up! - but it turned out to be a wicked night, we all got hammered and just had a huge muck around and a laugh, drank tons haha although it was the sambuca that did it for me. Pain in the ass having to go outside every 5 mins for a cigg!
Loads of ppl came lastnight and everyone was in a fab mood and up for a laugh, really had a great time, ended up heading into town going to Chicagoes for more drink and dancing bumped into Kelly's mum and her partner and we all danced and sang our hearts out to cheesy pop/rock tunes :D
Have some excellant pics posted some on here but go to my myspace page to see them all LOL!
Bless poor Shaun everytime i go to these rock nights i never say good bye LMAO im so drunk i just leave ... oops :) x


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