The Gate-crash of the Stag
Pay day harayyy another works piss up!!!, ened up with the usual crowd and pretty much was wasted by 9pm LOL!, gets a text from Charlotte (my awesome housemate/playmate) ;-), that she has just met Jake? im thinking huh! - turns out that Jake remembers her and that she knows me and they all join together in Lloyds, un be knowns to me that my housemate is partying with Jake on his stag do PMSL!!! so i went to meet them and we all met to what a blast! ended up in Chicagoes Jake was giving it some on the dancefloor teehee Sonia Brown turned up too LOL!!!. I found it amusing that i had with out trying gate crashed a stag do : D
Here some random pics of the night ....
At the kebab van we were attcked by a typical basingstoke chav (tring to be posh) but still wearing a track/shellsuit asking us how we pronounce scone. Which Charlotte kindly retorted 'it doesnt matter how you say it everyone knows what you mean and if you didnt know what they meant then you are obviously thicker than you look, and anyway who comes out wearing a tracksuit?!?!' Then stropped off to the taxi rank muttering all the way down. Seriously who does wear a tracksuit to town i mean come on!!
nearly invited everyone back to ours but Jakes friend is weird so thought better of it, although he did still hide round the corner and wait for Dawn (who we have now sent for a thorough clean!!) Weirdo him not her!!!!
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