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Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas 07

Had a great xmas this year, woke up early to Charlotte knocking on my door and we swiftly went and dimoloshed our xmas pressies under the tree haha, managed to open all of them betime poor ol Danny had stired!!!, Charlotte made me breakfast and we sat and had a buckfizz :-)

Had xmas over my parents was really nice and we had good laugh. Boxing day was fab as it was my dads birthday and we all piled over to my Aunties for a meal, my cousin and his partner were there too which was really nice 1 so i could wish them a merry xmas and thank them for my very expensive glasses they had brought me and 2 to have a go at my cousin not having his yearly fancy dress party TUT!! lol he has promised 08 he is having ine wohooo. Was nice seeing the family as i dont see them that much and have been invited on a boat trip as my cousin has brought a boat like ya do lol, cant wait for that trip should be a blast!. They had also brought along their 2 beautiful cats they are bengal cats sooo lovely called Tiggles and Winky adorable one of them looks like a snow leopard haha. All in all a lovely xmas and i got spoilt really so i guess i have been a good girl this year as santa was kind hahahahha! i am also loving my present form my aunty and aucle which is a wolf's tooth necklace tre cool! - ravishing hahah wenting for a full moon so i can see what happens LMAO!!?!

Went to see Yvonne and Becky which was a blast lol the nut house T was there too he is such a cool guy :-)

Merry Xmas everyone and a Happy New Year xxx

Maybe arranging next year to have xmas in Scotland if my aunty has her way in a log cabin? - be a change!


  • At 12:26 AM, Blogger Kaz said…

    Awwwww look at the cute kittys!!!


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