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Sunday, March 02, 2008

On the move 08

So , new year at so it seems a new place to live lol, after Charlotte and moi receiving an EMAIL our landlord is selling the flat ahhh! bit of a shock to say the least, but a week in and we have found a lovely place to live back to Basingstoke for me!!!, cant wait to be all moved in and money all sorted so me and my bo cdan get cracking on sorting our ''moving in'' partasy!!! haha - has to be done!, well aslong as none of my wine glasses get smashed as all my nice colored ones have been:(

Anyway, will post some pics of our new gaff when we have moved in and got sorted, watch out Sherbourne St tee heee aka as New Popley LMAO!!! ;-) not that Charlotte will admitt that yet:D



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