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Saturday, August 05, 2006

Charlie's Angels

Went out with Charlotte and Karen on Sat night LMAO! - what a blast we had!!!
Lottie picked me up, armed with some Tequila rose :D and Corkys white chocolate flavoured liquer!!
Arrived at Karen's house and got out her smoothie maker LOL!, Lottie whipped up some smoothies for us to start the night off, which involved a cocktail of milk, tequila rose, white choc liquer and real strawberrys!!! sound yuk! but was delicoius HONEST!, so we downed those and than had a glass of wine.

Got to Reading and basically decided to work our way down this street to see how many places we could fit in one night haha
managed to consume copious amounts of booze mainly downing shots and lots of vodka and cokes LOL!
we ended up staying in place called Q, which was actually a really good place, Lottie very kindly gave her shot away to some bloke and said it was from me with my compliments :o (nearly died), we all thought he looked quite fit (from afar) ;-) he was ok brought us a drink so all was good LOL! im fickle i know:)

Anyway we danced and chatted to so many ppl i cant even recall some of the night! - but do recall dancing on a stage in there against a wall with all these blokes looking down from a balcony:o LMAO! exhibistionist or what :D

Posted some pictures of out night - and sheesh i look bloody ruff in them LMAO! but i was drunk so its allowed:D

Cheers Charlie for a wiked night you always seem to show me a great time!!! you lil devil you;)


  • At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    sounds like you had a proper blinder there honey

    i think i have to get the blokes ona night out at some point as well,

    i really really need a nigth out o the leather


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