Welcome to my world

Sunday, March 02, 2008

On the move 08

So , new year at so it seems a new place to live lol, after Charlotte and moi receiving an EMAIL our landlord is selling the flat ahhh! bit of a shock to say the least, but a week in and we have found a lovely place to live back to Basingstoke for me!!!, cant wait to be all moved in and money all sorted so me and my bo cdan get cracking on sorting our ''moving in'' partasy!!! haha - has to be done!, well aslong as none of my wine glasses get smashed as all my nice colored ones have been:(

Anyway, will post some pics of our new gaff when we have moved in and got sorted, watch out Sherbourne St tee heee aka as New Popley LMAO!!! ;-) not that Charlotte will admitt that yet:D


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Fri Night Out

Another girls night out with the 'crew' haha, had a wicked night ended up in Chicagoers wth Lisa and Jo and yet again bumped into Jake haha had a really good time and saw some mates avnt seen for a while. Reminded me of my nights out with Zoe lol boy those were fun!

Looking foward to more nights out that are coming up:D


Sunday, February 03, 2008

Night Out Feb 08

Well me and the Motley Crew headed into town for a night on the tiles, went to my fav The Rue Bar for my shots hahaha, ened up on Lloyds and Liquids, where Kerrie had her bag stolen total nightmare!!! luckily it was found the next time minus the cash thought the T******!!!

Chilled out the rest of the weekendsw, watched Aladin which i loved havnt watched since i was little!! also went swimming today with Charlotte was really good i wasnt as rusty as i thought i would lol! gonna make it a regular thing, so i can wear my bikini wohooooooo ;-)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

30 Birthday 08

Thanx to all my friends for making my birthday a great one, especially Charlotte who was a real sweety and made it a lovely weekend, even though i had banners and balloons with 30 on them hahahha oh the shame!!! who else gets a cake made for them in shape of a willy LOL!!!!

Not been up to all that much really, bit of partying here n there like ya do looking forward to our girls night this Fri wohoooo gonna be a good night i think! - and the planning for Charlotte and Karens birthday, fancy dress theme of Gansters and 1950's flasppers LOL get in!!! going to London in Feb to go fancy dress shopping cant wait for that......

Also looking forward to going out with Lisa and Ahmed on Thurs night too.

And also looking forward to seeing Sweeny Todd Johhny Depp SWOOOON plus the added amusement of Charlotte going to see a film thats not a Disney/comedy ;-) i will work towards getting her to see a proper horror by the end of the year mwahahahahhahahahha :D

Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas 07

Had a great xmas this year, woke up early to Charlotte knocking on my door and we swiftly went and dimoloshed our xmas pressies under the tree haha, managed to open all of them betime poor ol Danny had stired!!!, Charlotte made me breakfast and we sat and had a buckfizz :-)

Had xmas over my parents was really nice and we had good laugh. Boxing day was fab as it was my dads birthday and we all piled over to my Aunties for a meal, my cousin and his partner were there too which was really nice 1 so i could wish them a merry xmas and thank them for my very expensive glasses they had brought me and 2 to have a go at my cousin not having his yearly fancy dress party TUT!! lol he has promised 08 he is having ine wohooo. Was nice seeing the family as i dont see them that much and have been invited on a boat trip as my cousin has brought a boat like ya do lol, cant wait for that trip should be a blast!. They had also brought along their 2 beautiful cats they are bengal cats sooo lovely called Tiggles and Winky adorable one of them looks like a snow leopard haha. All in all a lovely xmas and i got spoilt really so i guess i have been a good girl this year as santa was kind hahahahha! i am also loving my present form my aunty and aucle which is a wolf's tooth necklace tre cool! - ravishing hahah wenting for a full moon so i can see what happens LMAO!!?!

Went to see Yvonne and Becky which was a blast lol the nut house T was there too he is such a cool guy :-)

Merry Xmas everyone and a Happy New Year xxx

Maybe arranging next year to have xmas in Scotland if my aunty has her way in a log cabin? - be a change!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

The choir, meal and night out 07

13 Dec- Another year another xmas works meal LOL, this time it was at La Tascas, something different instead of xmas dinner. Was a really good evening boss brought the drinks shame i was driving but i thought id give my liver a rest haha!

Had an awesome interesting funny phone call this night, so spent good 45 min freezing outside haha!!! ;-)

Moving on.... Linda and me got roped into singing xmas carols in the chgapel at work :o, was innocently eating my lunch when thye chaplin approached us asking us to come along i thought it would be a laugh and quite xmasy thing to do till i get there and theres all of 3 fecking people in there LOL jeez it was soooo embarassing to say the least sang carolsd i didnt really know then i got to choose and sang away in a manger, i was miffed they didnt have little donkey!. Left after a few songs armed with a mince pie that got stuffed in my hand haha was amusing though, think i have done my deed for the xmas spirit.

Went out with Karen, Charl and Becky on Friday was a good laugh and was well up for a good ol boggie had a few shots of Corkys has to be done :-), here are some pics not many though i think i may have broked my camera:-( ??

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Xmas do at the Griffin 07

So last night I went to my Christmas party at the Griffin club with Charlotte, Zoe and Jeanette what a laugh!! Met Karen, Alan, Tracy, Yvonne and Becky down there and got absolutley hammered lol!! Started at Zoes with a few glasses of wine then after an arguement with the Taxi firm we finally arrived and Zoe was straight on the dancefloor! you go girl lmao!!! had a few creme egg shots yummy!! Lottie chose to go for a mint one and felt like she had just swallowed a bottle of mouth wash after it!!
Had a good boogie cant remember what to!! enjoyed some of the Champagne that Karen won on the raffle drink always tastes better when its free ;) took loads of pictures which are on my facebook if you wanna have a look!! Think the thing that really finished me off was the Sambuca that Alan brought us, the clever people ie Lottie declined the Sambuca I however did not. Managed to blag a few free Christmas hats and antlers!!
Felt sicky on the way home so made Lottie sing to me all the way home finally get to close to home and i had to leap out the taxi to be sick!! God it felt like the longest journey of my life!! Luckily managed to puke on the pavement not in the taxi!! Then had the embarrassing journey of Lottie walking me home while i was crying past a load of chavs stood on the corner who must of thought we were mad as we both still had our xmas hats on lol!! got home and Lottie was the original Night Nurse and looked after me!! I then woke up at 5.30 this morning to find Lottie in bed next to me still wearing her xmas hat!! How i laughed lol!! She has now nicknamed me Sicky McQuicky lmao!!!
I have been suffering all day and even fell asleep in the chair at my mums house like an old woman with a blanket over my legs, am now going to take up knitting and get a blue rinse so I look the part ;) ha ha!!!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The Indian and the Rose Dec 07

Tracey and me went to The Raj in Black Dam tonight, really been fancing a curry for ages haha!!! - T liking hers so hot its like acid! me with my mild Korma tee hee was really lovely had a nice evening and enjoyed ourselves. Took some pictures obviously the funniest one is where we have no faces at all hahaha couldnt stop howling over that one haha (u had to be there). The indian music made me want to belly-dance and shimmy around the place lol nearly did but i was a good girl and and just jiggled in my sit hahaha.
Gearing ourselves up for Friday and all the festiveties coming up soon:D...

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Rock Night, xmas decs & Niks 30 Birthday 07

Deck the halls .. haha ooops sorry im singng xmas tunes already haha, well Sat night we celebrated Nicola's 30th bithday started off at the rock night down the Royal Oak, good to see Scott down there looking really well:-). Was quite quiet down there so we swiftly moved into town at met up with Sonia B at the Bakers Arms where we danced and drank the night away. Bumped into my good pal from work Lisa , for some reason i never got any pictures of our night
?? only managed to get these 2 of me and Lisa hahahaha!!!
Hope Nick had a great night we didnt make her wear her big 30 badge as she had a new top on but we did tie her huge 30 balloon to her wrist hahahahahaha has to be done!!!, bless Kelly gave me a lift home and she text me the next day saying she got lost and had to ask some random stranger how to get to Basingstoke tee hee asked why she didnt call me and she didnt have her phone on her ahhh the preggers hormones huh! LOL.
Saw Becky too always like seeing by Tunisia buddy must go back soon ;-) miss PA :-)
Sunday Charl and me put the tree up wooohoooooooo got a reef for the front door too asuming the land lord wont mind us hammering a nail into the door lol tough titties if he does! got all the sparkle lights up and i love it!!! feeling really festive and i cant wait for xmas looking forward to it loads! :D - needless to say all the parties ill be going to part 1 will start next Fri WOOP WOOP!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Xmas Parade 07

Here are some pictures from the xmas parade in town lol, Lottie was in her eliment with all thr sparkle and so was i tee heee! even more so whgen some random elf jumped out on Charl and she shit herself hahahahahahhahahahaha PRICELESS! -

Had a nice chilled weekend, babysat on Sat which was great as now i have finished writing my xmas cards wohooo just have to do the gift shopping now!

Also watched the Kylie documentry which i thought was really good, would love to see her in concert! :-)

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Girls night in at Vickis place, was really lovely to see Vicki voo and catch up with her, for once i was driving haha so was stone cold sober! i know its hard to believe!
Must catch up more often as it was fun next time i wanna drink though;-)

Part from that and Andi popping round to sort my pc out :) big thanx to Andi getting me back online hahaah *hugs* its been a quiet weekend which is nice.

im off to get under my duvet as its fecking freeeeezzzzing!!!! lol

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Halloween Party 07

Thank you to Karen and Alan for such a wicked halloween party!!! - it was fab getting all dressed up lol, would of preferred to have my witch costume (dam pc) grrr lol. Was a really fab night and Kaz & Al worked hard with the decorations for the party loved the smoke machine haha!!! - was nice to see Sarah too and see her gert sozzled tee heee, and lets not forget Dawn smacking into the patio doors hahaha ah bless her it was hilarious to watch hehehehehehe makes me chuckle!
Posted some pictures here but aloas mainly put them on facebook mwahhhAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! :-)

Friday, October 05, 2007

Swingball has arrived!

HAHA ok thanks to my boss for bringing the swingball in for us today hehe looks alittle worn as it has been in her garage since the late 80's LOL. So now all we need to do is arrange a night for our swingball challenge 2007 Charlotte Henmen Williams Whittle v Emily Mortomer (sorry couldnt resist)!!!
Get ya tennis gear at the ready girls i cant wait for this, going to try and get this on video for sure hahahahaha!
I think me and Charlie were going to get some girls over for a night in of wine and singstar? maybe we can include the swingball on this night too:-D


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Nevermind where's Wally- where's Dawn!

A nihgt out with the girls. had a lovely day went shopping in Reading with Charlotte! then come home watched a movie had a kip lmao then got up and got ready for our night out! met the rest of the lovely ladeeez at Bakers then went on our tour of town lol, had a really great night with the girls, Dawn is so funny and hell she really needs to practise her F off face hahahaaha ;-). Have some wicked pics only posted a few on here..... as usuall peeked early teeheee damn the cocktails shots!! but i loves em i does:D
Love the way Dawnie the prwanie got in every single photo LMAO!!! as the title says nevermind where's Wally........
been another hectic weekend including managing getting lost on the way to Guilford grrr hate maps im sooooooooo crap at directions haha!!! got there in the end though:D wicked night Sat night. x
Kaz, ur halloween party still happening? i do hope so cant wait to see this fogg machine set up in ya garden hahaha awesom!!! still awaiting my outfit to arrive ?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Singstar Rock Ballards!

Wooohooooo! Charlie purchased another singstar disc this time its ''Rock Ballards''!
LOL o my its hilarious and sooo cheesy here is the list;

Alannah Myles - Black velvet

Air Supply- All out of love

Anastasia - Left outside alone

Avril Lavigne - Im with you

Boston - More than a feeling

Boy meets girl - Waiting for a star to fall

Cutting Crew - Died in your arms

Cyndi Lauper - Time after time

Duran Duran - Ordinary world

Europe - Carrie

Heart - Alone

Jon Secada - Just another day

Lone Star - Amazed

Marc Cohn - Walking in memphis

Meatloaf- Id doanything for love

Mr Big - To be with you

Mr Mister - Kyire

Nickleback - How you remind me

Nilsson - Without you

Poison - Every rose has its thorn

Queen - Show must go on

Roxette - It must of been love

Roxette - Listen to your heart

Starship - Nothing gonna stop us

Sugerbabes - Too lost in you

The Calling - Wherever you will go

Tina Arena - Chains

Toto - Africa

T'pau - China in your hand!

Sooo need less to say we have been singing our hearts out and now i am horse hahaha!!!
Going to get some girlies over for a night of singstar and some wine :D


Saturday, September 15, 2007

Yvonne & Becky (Bambino)

Went to see Yvonne and Becky today, which was wicked:D, have not seen them for a while since i have moved and Becky had just come back from Tunisa, so needless to say she had lots of stories to tell me haha. Was really nice to see them and spent the day with them!, And have deicded that next Sept we would like to go to Tunisia but take Yvonne and Amy this time hahaha god help Hammamet:-)
Miss PA he still rings me bless him sounds like most of them asked after me which was nice as they see so many people.
Feel the need for a holiday lol - sea and sand and cocktails o yes!!!

Wiccan Witches

Finding the Wiccan religeon really interesting of late, something i want to explore into more depth....

Wicca is a nature religion based upon beliefs and rites believed to be rooted in ancient pagan practices. Wicca claims a direct connection to the ancient Celtic tradition, which is thought to be more in tune with natural forces than Christianity and other modern religions of the West. However, rather than see Wiccans as members of a religion, it might be more accurate to see them as sharing a spiritual basis in nature and natural phenomena. For Wiccans have no written creed which the orthodox must adhere to. Nor do they build stone temples or churches to worship in. They practice their rituals in the great outdoors: in parks, gardens, forests, yards or hillsides. According to the Wicca.
"Wicca" is the name of a contemporary Neo-Pagan religion, largely promulgated and popularized by the efforts of a retired British civil servant named Gerald Gardner [late 1940's]. In the last few decades, Wicca has spread in part due to its popularity among feminists and others seeking a more woman-positive, earth-based religion. Like most Neo-Pagan spiritualities, Wicca worships the sacred as immanent in nature, drawing much of its inspiration from the non-Christian and pre-Christian religions of Europe. "Neo-Pagan" simply means "new pagan" (derived from the Latin paganus , "country-dweller") and hearkens back to times before the spread of today's major monotheistic (one god) religions. A good general rule is that most Wiccans are Neo-Pagans but not all Pagans are Wiccans.
A good general rule seems to be that there is no single set of beliefs or practices which constitutes Wicca, though one belief seems to recur: An it harm none, do what you will. Also, some rituals seem to recur.
Wiccans practice a number of rituals associated with such natural phenomena as the four seasons, the solstices and the equinoxes. Their symbols are based on the connectedness of Nature to human life. For example, they celebrate summer in a fertility rite known as Beltane. Rather than pray to some unnatural god beyond all experience, Wiccans seem more concerned with self-awakening, with arousing their connectedness to nature and nature gods, female as well as male. Their rituals seem to be metaphors for psychological processes. They sing, they dance, they chant. They burn candles and incense. They use herbs and charms. Often, Wiccans favor herbs to traditional medicines. In group rituals they express their desires to the community. They don't cast spells. They ask for blessings from north, south, east and west. They meditate. They don't cook weird poisonous stews in cauldrons. They don't fly off on brooms. They don't pray for harm to their enemies. Because Wiccans seem to worship nature and nature goddesses and gods, they can be called pantheists.
Wiccans do share one thing in common with Christians, however. Both believe that the indifferent destructiveness of Nature is essentially something good. We should be thankful for the blessings of Nature (or God), including the pumiced humans at Pompeii, the children swept away in flash floods, those sucked out of their homes by the tornado and thrown into the Guinness sky of the volcano, the millions who bake under an uncaring sun in parched lands, the innocent monsters deformed by uncaring biological laws, those devoured by great cracks in the earth, those drowned in hurricanes, the millions left homeless each year by indifferent forces ravaging an indifferent landscape. Only in their mythologies have Wiccan magick or Christian prayer stopped the flood, doused the lightning bolt, stilled the whirlwinds of tornado and hurricane, calmed the quaking earth, or put to sleep the tsunami.
The attractiveness of Wicca may be due to its friendliness towards women, its naturalistic view of sex and its promise of power through magick. It is very popular among women, and it is tempting to say that Wicca is women's revenge for the centuries of misogyny and "femicide" or "gynicide" practiced by established religions such as Christianity. Wicca, like the Celtic religion, allows women full participation in the practice. Women are equals, if not superiors, of men. Women in Celtic mythology are unusual, to say the least. They are intelligent, powerful warriors, ruthless, sexually aggressive, and leaders of nations.
Finally, it should be noted that Wicca is not related to Satan worship. That practice is related to the persecution of "witches" by Christians, especially during the medieval and Spanish Inquisitions, though not necessarily by the Inquisitors themselves. (See the Malleus Maleficarum 1486, which describes "the three necessary concomitants of witchcraft," namely, "the Devil, a witch, and the permission of Almighty God.") The spirit of the witch hunters, however, lives on in the hearts of many devout Christians who continue to persecute Wiccans, among others, as devil worshippers. The modern witch hunters do not demand purgations. Rather, they try to abolish Halloween, school mascots, books which mention witches, and any sign, symbol or number the Christians associate with Satan. (One local pizza house was even hounded for some markings it had on its delivery boxes. Local witch hunters claimed the markings were satanic signs. The pizza house changed it boxes rather than deal with adverse publicity.)
On the first day of spring in 1996, our local newspaper ran an article about a local coven of witches. The story portrayed the all-female group as harmless nature worshippers who dance in circles and ask for blessings from the north, south, east, west, etc. The article prompted a long letter to the editor decrying the naiveté and ignorance of the author of the story on the local coven. Witches are in cahoots with Satan, said the letter writer, who signed off as "a survivor of satanic ritual abuse." The sincerity of the letter writer seemed as genuine as the sincerity of the women of Salem who confessed to being witches. Are the modern day victims of satanic ritual abuse as deluded as the witches hunted down by pious Christians through the centuries who truly believed that they were as evil as their persecutors said they were? Are the Wiccans of today part of a satanic conspiracy? I doubt it. If there are Christians who are being systematically abused by Satan worshippers, their abusers are not part of an international conspiracy known as Wicca.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Karen, Alan, Sonia challange! 2007 (taken from Karen's blog)

Me and Alan have set ourselves the task of doing 12 new things in 12 months.We came up with 21 things then whittled them down to 12. here is the list:
Go to a concert
Go to a fetish club in London (lol yep ur idea sonia hahaha)
Go to/host a fancy dress party
Go to and bet on dog racing
go to a gay club (teeheehee!)
Drive a sports car on a race track/skidpan
Compete in the race for life
Get arrested
Go to a lap dancing club
Shoot a gun
Go to a circus
Go to a premiership football match
Some of the things on the list we have done individually but not together.lets just see if we can get everyone done :-)

Our Comments:

Sonia said...
LMAO ok i can do the fancy dress thing, circus and fetish club:D teeheee Torture Garden London you up for it!!! :-)Smooches xxxx
12:14 AM
Alan said...
Oh dear god, i just looked at that torture garden. WTF! I aint wearing any of that sh!t those guys are wearing.Will my leather shoes do ok............And the gay club wont be so bad in many ways, girls kissing, guys buying me drinks all night, but i swear if any guy tries it on or touches me! Il knock them out.
1:19 AM
Sonia said...
HAHA Alan thats hilarious teehee gay club it is then although still wanna go to the torture garden come on.... ya know ya wanna.... :P
6:41 PM
Alan said...
il go but maybe just a pvc tie.............nothing else.....haha
8:37 PM
K said...
hell yea gotta do these things at least once to say you've done it.the challenge is on!
10:52 PM
Sonia said...
haha bring on the Alan Karen Sonia challange i will buy Alan a pvc tie to go eith his leather shoes tee heee how sweet will he look hey Kaz do u think you cud convince Alan to wear his cuffs like he did on cam hahahahhaha!!!!im going in pvc :D has to be done i say! we will show Alan how its done lol! xxxxx

Sooooooo BRING IT ON!!! - theres a ball there in Oct for halloween could be worth a go?

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Night in at our's

Sat night was a night in at ours wohooo Karen came over and we soon cracked open wine and strawberrys and cream Corkys SMASHING, was a superb night we had such a riot! all i can say is dress up, washing line alcahol hahaha!
Thanx girlies for another cracking evening we always have such fun we we are together :-)
Thanx to Kaz for the pics ermmm thanx to Lottie for my embarassing photoshop moment hahahahah great editor in the making you are teehee, enjoyed dancing round the poles and hiding behind the trees LMAO!!!!
Woke up this morn and bless Charlie had tidyed the flat up!
Been also rat sitting they're soooooo cute!!!! Corey and Grohl :-)
Karens version of evens below teeheee:
OMG had such a wicked night in with the girls last night at Sonia and Charlotte's flat! We had soooo much fun, to sum it up there was pizza, alcohol, make-up, hair extensions, moth attacks, pole dancing, distorted pics, knicker editing,pretend kissing and ann summers dressing up!my god we have so much fun.Thanks again my beautiful buddies for yet again an amazing night! love you both so much!x

Monday, September 03, 2007

I hate Moths

AHHHHHHHH, i keep getting in un-dated with moths in my bedroom and i bloody hate the things, why they pick on my window god only knows, hate creepy crawleys at the best of times, i flap around like some maniac! trying to find something i can grab it with, usually a babywipe as i have ran out of tissues hahahahah!.

Im scared ill have one in my room and it will fly in my mouth when i am sleeping...yes i know i have watched one to many horror movies lol!

And to top it off September is officially SPIDER month AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Now dont even get me started on spiders i am sooooooo scared of them! i ahte them so much they scare the crap out of me so if anyone has one of those beterware catalogues with those spider catcher things please order me one !

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Celebration of Birth Party

Cheers to Alan & Karen for inviting Charlie and me to their party, it was really nice had a long cuddle with Sonia's little soldier Callum and Caitlin looked very cute in her sparkly shoes and was a very well behaved girl:-)

Was good to see Laura and Dave with their little princess Alyssa who was sweet, have a dead arm now from holding so many little bundles of joys, ya know for a second my overies twitched ;-) lol xxx

Kaz see ya soon hunny.